Portrait of the chorus
Upcoming Public Performances:
Sunday January 26, 2025
The Social Justice Music Festival
Mission High School auditorium
3750 18th St., San Francisco CA 94114

The Chorus is very excited to again perform the beautiful choral setting of "I Have A Dream" written by former Chorus director, John Maas — with Benjamin Mertz's stunningly beautiful recitation of Dr. Martin Luther King's immortal words — in celebration of the MLK Jr. holiday.

It will be performed during the closing concert of the SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC JUSTICE MUSIC FESTIVAL — a two-day festival for working people and artists starting at 9 a.m. on Saturday, January 26th. There there will be workshops, music jams, and two nights of concerts presented by many well-known Bay Area and beyond musicians and spoken word artists.

Our performance of "I Have A Dream" will be during the Sunday night concert at 6 pm.

Tickets $10 at csej.org/music-festival/
